1. I was on the subway yesterday (I live in Busan) and there was this ajosshi who started calling out this young couple for cuddling. He then walked down the car, stopping periodically to admonish different people for whatever reasons. It was kinda funny but it also made me nervous. Then he came back and sat across from me...................... and gave me the CUTEST SMILE you ever did see. All of a sudden he was like a kid in school, peeking around the person standing between us and waving. And then he said (and this was a first for me), "Indo?" I have my hair in an unmistakable afro so I wasn't expecting to be mistaken for Indian and I laughed and said "No. Canada." Then he asked if I was a university student (my ego was grateful for that one). I told him I was a high school teacher and he gave me the "OOoohhh" face and a thumbs up. I don't know if he was totally there mentally, and I know he was being a bit of a jerk before that, but a thumbs up from THAT GUY made my afternoon.
2. Today I was at a grocery store with my friend Monika and we were in the baking aisle. There was a toddler talking baby talk about the box he was holding to his dad who was crouched next to him. I love to hear babies talk so I probably laughed or said "aww" or something. The kid turned and looked at me and I said "anyong!" Sometimes nothing happens. Sometimes I just get a blank stare. But this time his mom said "anyonghaseyo hae-yaji (basically: say hello)" and he gave me the most adorable bow and babytalk anyonghaseyo ever. Twice! And when they were leaving, his mom told him to say bye bye and he waved goodbye at me. And he made my afternoon.
Hope those stories made you smile!
Angel xo