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Thursday, March 19, 2015

My week so far

The past few days have been quite eventful! Between my ARC, my phone, my bed and sofa, and a lovely surprise last night, my head is spinning!

I ordered a bed (well, mattress) and sofa online and they both arrived days/weeks earlier than estimated! Bonus! They both look great and they're comfortable enough. They're both a bit firmer than I had expected, and I have learned why people test these things out rather than just buying online. I say that but I'm pretty happy with the way things have worked out. Pictures!

So that experience has been great. My ARC (Alien Registration Card) came a week earlier than I'd been told, so I went to get my new phone straight from work. The phone situation has ended well (I mean, I have a phone!), but I got a bit of a shocker when I got to Olleh to sign up. Apparently in 2011, I had left behind a whopping ₩184,400 unpaid charge and had to pay that before I could sign up with any phone company. I don't remember whether or not I knew in 2011 that this would happen but last night I was certain there was a huge mistake. But systems don't lie, I guess. So obviously I failed to pay that charge 4 years ago and had to pay now. So I did and now I'm equipped with a great phone and data to get me through until I set up Internet in my apartment.

Something really cool happened after the phone fiasco, though! I went to the french bakery across the street called "Pain d'Amour" for some good old fashioned stress eating lol. When I got there I asked the worker for suggestions. As he was suggesting things, I noticed his French accent was really good. Then another man (the owner I think), started making sone more suggestions,  also with a good accent when naming the foods. At one point he said micro-onde instead of microwave,  so when I had made my decision I said,  "Merci!" WELL, he started talking in rapid fire French and then said that the worker also spoke French. The 3 of us had a conversation in French!!! It was amazing! The owner lived in France and the worker lived in the Côte d'Ivoire! They both spoke much better than I could. They were talking so fast I just barely understood everything, but I was proud that I understood all but one sentence! Right across the street from me, I was NOT expecting to find something as awesome as that. It was definitely a good end to the day.

To add to the bonuses, I found out that one of my classes has been canceled for today so I don't have to go into work until 4:00pm! I have a 2.5 hour work day today hahaha.

Life, it would seem, is good.

Angel xo

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