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Sunday, January 30, 2011

LASEK: 1 Month Reflections

Hey folks! 4 weeks later and my eyes are back to normal in every way I've noticed. No. That's a lie. BETTER than normal (considering what "normal" used to mean for the past 24 years). A few things:
  1. I did go through glasses withdrawal. Aside from the joking comments I'd made on FB and to family about the phantom weight of the glasses on my nose and such, I've actually had to get used to my face without my glasses. They had become so apart of me, that I was feeling ugly without them for a while. They were an accessory that made me more interesting (I feel), but also a security blanket of sorts. I felt I could hide behind them and best of all..... I didn't' have to wear make-up. Don't get me wrong, make-up's cool and fun sometimes, but I only wore it when I wore contacts. In fact, I *always* wore make-up when I wore contacts, so once I was glasses-free and was allowed to wear eye make-up (two weeks ago) I had a dilemma. I don't want to wear make-up every day. Even more so I don't want to feel like I *need* to wear make-up every day. So... that was a tumultuous 2 weeks, being okay with my face in all its glory.... all its naked, blemished, glasses-free, make-up-less glory.... I'm almost there.
  2. I still find myself reaching up to adjust my phantom glasses, but I think now it's because I have to wear sunglasses every time I go outside during the day.
  3. I was trying to get things to fit on one of the small shelves in my bathroom and realised my giant bottle of contact solution was still sittting there taking up space. Needless to say, everything fits now!!

In all my nakedness.

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